Azərbaycan Gənclərinin
İctimai Yardım Assosiasiyası
(MAGİYA) ictimai birliyi
Public Support Association
of Youth of Azerbaijan
(EPSAYA) public union
“Maarifçilik amalımızdır!”                                                                                                                         “Enlightenment is our aim!”
Our donors
eeas.europa.eu www.statoil.com www.savethechildren.org www.usaid.gov www.ndi.org www.azerbaijan.usembassy.org www.iom.az www.mys.gov.az youthfoundation.az cssn.gov.az undef.org epfound.org government.nl
Our partners
reliablefuture.org mitost.org www.ayu-az.org
Promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the young people and the population through the youth in the fight against COVID-19 disease


“Education” Public Support Association of Youth of Azerbaijan (EPSAYA) public union, a Lankaran-based organization has started to implement a project called “Promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the young people and the population through the youth in the fight against COVID-19 disease” in the southern region. The project is implemented with the 5826,40 (five thousand eight hundred and twenty-six manats and forty kopecks) manats financial support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Azerbaijan Republic. The aim of the project is to inform the young people and the society through the youth in the fight against COVID-19 disease, to provide them with the necessary hygienic means and medical supplies, as well as educational materials and to promote a healthy lifestyle widely in public places. The project will last for 3 months and will cover the period from September 12 to December 12, 2022. Overall 12 volunteers aged 18-29 from Lankaran, Jalilabad, Masalli and Astara regions will be selected, instructions on how to behave during the pandemic will be prepared for them and they will be provided with necessary hygienic means (disinfectant gel, alcohol, etc.) and medical supplies (masks, gloves, etc.) within the framework of the project, which includes the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the population in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The young people who have been instructed and provided with necessary materials will distribute booklets, hygienic means and medical supplies as well as will inform the public. A total of 12 young people volunteering in the project will be awarded by the organization with special short-sleeved shirts and relevant certificates. Local youth who want to participate as volunteers in the project should send their CVs (full information about themselves and their education, accurate recording of e-mail and phone numbers, etc.) to magiya_ngo@mail.ru or by visiting the “Contact” section of the website of EPSAYA public union: www.epsaya.az. Deadline is October 12, 2022, at 24.00.




What are the main problems of the youth of the region?
Weak participation in the process of networking and organizing
Lack of information and internet access
Unemployment or low level of income
Ä°neffective organization of leisure
Have a weak attention by the local and international organizations

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