Azərbaycan Gənclərinin
İctimai Yardım Assosiasiyası
(MAGİYA) ictimai birliyi
Public Support Association
of Youth of Azerbaijan
(EPSAYA) public union
“Maarifçilik amalımızdır!”                                                                                                                         “Enlightenment is our aim!”
Our donors
eeas.europa.eu www.statoil.com www.savethechildren.org www.usaid.gov www.ndi.org www.azerbaijan.usembassy.org www.iom.az www.mys.gov.az youthfoundation.az cssn.gov.az undef.org epfound.org government.nl
Our partners
reliablefuture.org mitost.org www.ayu-az.org
A flash-mob in the name of “Reading book” in Lankaran city


May 21, EPSAYA public union organized a flash-mob in the name of “Reading book” with the support of Mr. Yalchin Ahmadov, the head of Lankaran city Youth and Sport Department and Mr. Samir Salayev, the person responsible for Lankaran Youth Facebook Group including the graduates of the project of “Building leadership skills of young people from rural areas” in Gala Avenue, Lankaran city. There were more than fifty people in the flash-mob action. During the flash-mob action the organizers tried to get more attention for reading books among the people.




What are the main problems of the youth of the region?
Weak participation in the process of networking and organizing
Lack of information and internet access
Unemployment or low level of income
Ä°neffective organization of leisure
Have a weak attention by the local and international organizations

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The official web page of EPSAYA public union
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